Saturday, January 31, 2009

I was looking through his blog roll and I'm pretty sure he keeps half of you on there because he feels some obligation. Sorry. Just being honest.

Also. There's one person who goes beyond obligation. I read your posts and they make me feel as uncomfortable as when Mikey on Swingers kept calling Nickie back when he got home from the club. Over and over and over.

You OVERSHARE. It's hard to feel sympathy for you. Yuck.
I'm sad Elvis is dead but I'm glad I don't have to see him with horrible plastic surgery.

Um. Somebody forgot to close their Blogger account.

My favorite part of Ty is his giant wang.
Ty Bluesmith is the pimpest of pimps and I adore him forever.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Traitorous Computer

Back in the day we wrote and wrote and wrote on our blogs and loved our new innerweb friends and some of us put up pictures of ourselves.

= )

Sunday, January 4, 2009